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12 Cocktails of Christmas - The Virgin-ger Cocktail

Give this alcohol free cocktail a spin, with Seedlip Spice 94, apple pie jam, cumquat shrub and ginger beer.

With all the drinking that goes on this festive season, you'd be forgiven for needing to take a break from alcohol. Or maybe you're on antibiotics or pregnant - whatever the reason, non-alcoholic options nowadays are improving and with the launch of the world's first non-alcoholic spirit Seedlip, the bar was well and truly raised. In this cocktail, we used Seedlip Spice 94, distilled like a gin but without any alcohol. There's strong hints of clove on the nose and palate with this one, and with its botanicals of allspice, grapefruit, lemon peel, cardamom, American oak and carsarilla bark, this conjured up all the warming spices of Christmas for us.

Some weeks before, we also chanced upon the Country Women's Association stall at Carriageworks in Sydney and had purchased one of their homemade apple pie jams. We'd been dying to use the jam in a cocktail and the time was ripe to combine all the warming Christmas flavours with that of the jam!


  • 60ml Seedlip Spice 94

  • 1/2 teaspoon Country Women's Association apple pie jam (if you can't find apple pie jam, Hank's Jam does a pear and vanilla jam that could work, or try a fig jam or ginger marmalade)

  • 10ml cumquat shrub

  • Bundaberg spiced ginger beer

Shake all ingredients except the ginger beer over ice and pour into champagne flute. Top with ginger beer.